The Rise of Modern Hanfu in Everyday Fashion


Picture yourself wandering through a vibrant market, visiting tourist destinations, or heading to school or work, all while draped in the flowing, wide sleeves of a hanfu. Once a traditional Chinese attire associated with history and elegance, hanfu has now become a fashion trend embraced by modern China. No longer reserved for special events or cultural photoshoots, hanfu is making its way into daily life, from casual outings to routine commutes.

The Growing Popularity of Hanfu

In recent years, a renewed interest in Chinese traditional culture has fueled the rise of hanfu in everyday fashion. Cultural festivals such as China Huafu Day and tourism-related events have played a significant role in popularizing this ancient attire. A notable instance where an international brand allegedly copied the mamianqun (a pleated skirt) further intensified the fascination with hanfu, raising awareness of its distinctiveness.

Hanfu’s appeal is no longer limited to niche groups. It has expanded across genders, age groups, and geographical regions, becoming a fashion statement in both first-tier cities and cultural tourism destinations. Young women, in particular, make up the largest consumer base, with cities like Xi’an, Nanjing, and Beijing leading the trend. Each region’s hanfu preferences often align with its cultural history—Tang Dynasty hanfu is popular in Xi’an, while Nanjing and Beijing residents favor styles from the Song and Ming dynasties.

Types of Hanfu Enthusiasts

Hanfu enthusiasts generally fall into three categories:

  • The Aesthetic Group: Composed of beginners who love fashion, travel, and experimenting with new looks. Their motto is “beauty is justice.”
  • The Immersive Group: These individuals seek to create a full hanfu ensemble, complete with makeup and accessories, and they often have specific style preferences.
  • The Professional Group: This group includes young students who are meticulous about the quality and authenticity of hanfu designs, with a high focus on appearance and craftsmanship.

Modern Hanfu in Daily Life

Hanfu is gradually transitioning from its traditional settings, such as festivals and cultural events, into everyday wardrobes. On special occasions like Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival, hanfu serves as a bridge between the past and present, enriching the celebration of Chinese heritage while promoting cultural exchange.

In terms of daily wear, modern hanfu incorporates fabrics like cotton, linen, and chiffon, ensuring comfort and breathability throughout the seasons. Designers often use muted colors and simple, fresh patterns, making these garments easier to pair with modern clothing for a seamless blend of tradition and practicality.

Recent data shows a notable increase in hanfu worn for day-to-day activities. The fusion of traditional aesthetics with contemporary design makes modern hanfu attractive to younger consumers who value both style and comfort.

The Popularity of Mamianqun

The mamianqun, a pleated skirt, is one of the most popular and accessible pieces of hanfu for beginners. Consumers prioritize its visual appeal, comfort, and breathability, which make it suitable for everyday wear.

As the mamianqun becomes more integrated into modern wardrobes, practical features such as adjustable waists, anti-exposure designs, and varied lengths are gaining importance. This has led to several emerging trends:

  1. Differentiated Skirt Lengths: Catering to different preferences and occasions.
  2. Modernized Patterns: Blending traditional designs with contemporary elements.
  3. Diverse Fabrics: Soft, skin-friendly materials like cotton and chiffon are becoming popular.
  4. Enhanced Wearability: Features like zippers at the waist add practicality to the traditional design.


The resurgence of hanfu in modern fashion is a testament to the growing appreciation of Chinese culture and heritage. Whether it’s the flowing elegance of hanfu or the practical charm of the mamianqun, traditional Chinese clothing is finding a place in the everyday lives of many. As more people embrace this style, hanfu is evolving into a versatile fashion choice that bridges the gap between the ancient and the modern world.


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